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Foreign Languages & Literatures

Students looking to learn languages, works of literature, and civilizations will find a wealth of options at UNM's FLL center. FLL provides a place for everyone engaged in business, administration, education, or travel, with over 15 majors, minors, and languages to choose from. Regardless of the fact that many FLL programs promote knowledge of the language in a communicative and cultural context, instructors will do their best to support you in your language learning; however, students who really are interested in the subject and would like to broaden their literary and cultural knowledge in that other language may find other FLL classes appealing. Among the classical languages taught at in most schools and universities such as German, Spanish, and French, FLL also provides Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Classical Greek, Italian, Latin, and Russian.(UNM Foreign Languages and Literatures | The University of New Mexico)


Students may also learn about the cultures, visual and textual expressions connected with such language, and also the significance of that language or other languages around the world, through FLL. As part of the degree programs and courses offered, students are required to gain cross-cultural knowledge and critical thinking abilities, which also will help them comprehend the function individuals will perform within various cultures across the world. UNM prepares intermediate students for employment as teachers and even experts who are proficient within this language, from reading and speaking to grammar, and they will almost surely emphasize the significance of knowing languages and cultures. Faculty members research Japanese cuisine comics, jazz tours in France and Africa, Rome on the Big Screen, Holocaust literary remembrance, and language acquisition, among other topics.(UNM Foreign Languages and Literatures | The University of New Mexico)



  • Languages provided- We use language to express our ideas, feelings, and wishes to others around us. The different and varied ways human beings may use to communicate through written and spoken language are a significant part of what enables us to use our natural potential to build lasting connections with one another. That being said the FLL has quite a lot of languages to offer for those individuals wanting to learn a new language. As said in the intro they have languages such as Japanese, French, German, Classical Greek, Italian, as well as a few others.

  • The idea that so many languages are taught at the FLL here at UNM is quite fascinating as is the enthusiasm and knowledge of the cultures underlying the languages taught. By asking few students who happened to be taking language classes at the FLL center what they felt about how languages are taught to students and if the teachers' teaching style makes it simple for anybody attempting to learn a new language, and I got a variety of opinions. The majority of the students I spoke with stated they loved their time at the FLL facility and found the learning environment to be quite beneficial. The FLL instructors all enjoy teaching the languages they offer and assisting students in acquiring and understanding the value of language acquisition. (The FLL Undergraduate Programs :: UNM Foreign Languages and Literatures | The University of New Mexico)

  • Abroad Program- The FLL believes that studying abroad is an important part of developing global citizenship and providing students with a different perspective on the nations that speak the languages they are studying as a class. To do so, they work closely with the Office of Overseas Programs and Studies, which offers students a wide range of international study possibilities. The intriguing thing is that UNM is affiliated with a variety of schools, offering students a variety of alternatives if they desire to study abroad. When studying abroad, a variety of programs are available, including credit, fees, and other topics. Every student's first concern when considering studying abroad is money. Most UNM students utilize a combination of financial aid, scholarships, and their own finances to study abroad. Since study abroad is regarded as a High Impact Practice with several educational benefits, many organizations, including UNM, are prepared to assist and support you throughout your time abroad. Ask your GEO study abroad counselor about some less costly choices because not all programs are priced the same. Some options are even less expensive than attending UNM for a semester. Also FLL also offers a two-week vacation to France throughout the summer. Please email Professor Stephen Bishop if you have any questions about this trip or would want additional information about the France trip. (

  • World Culture- The Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures acts as a portal to other civilizations throughout the world. Traveling through that portal illustrates how civilizations evolve as a result of their interactions. They borrow, imitate, steal, transfer, and co-create both creative works and ostensibly autonomous cultural identities. In FLL, students can learn about cultural intersections and how people in their relationships with others rely on assertions about cultural traditions. Students are able to learn transnational film, colonial and postcolonial literature, graphics and anime, folklore, traditional and fairy tales, women's literature from all over the world, and links between the past and the present through FLL courses and degree programs. Cultural studies courses offer a wide range of themes, including condemned heroes and the Faustian bargain, witches, migration, apocalypse, trauma and cultural memory, Ancient Rome in modern media, and emancipation in African literature and film.( World Culture :: UNM Foreign Languages and Literatures | The University of New Mexico)

A few reasons to learn a new language according to FLL

 Those who speak multiple languages have better executive function than others who only speak one. According to studies, bilinguals have better attentional control, working memory, metalinguistic awareness, and many other advantages. Typically, FLL graduates go on to work in the field of teaching, which is the third-happiest career in the country, according to data. Multilingual job seekers may expect a wealth of opportunities in the next year, according to many data and corporate recruitment tactics. Transactional language knowledge has grown more important in both the business and governmental sectors as firms become more global and people become more cosmopolitan.

FLL majors are culturally aware, which is a crucial ability in today's worldwide culture for acquiring human understanding and establishing connections. Between 2012 and 2022, the need for interpreters and translators is anticipated to grow by 46 percent, substantially faster than the national average. Employment growth will be fueled by increased globalization and a significant increase in the number of non-English speakers in the United States. Professionally qualified individuals should have the finest career prospects. Actively learning, listening about other people's lives, and talking with others in their own language may all be rewarding and unexpected. Knowing about different cultures might help you broaden your horizons and grow as a citizen.

The ability to interact with others and acquire information in languages other than English can help both you and the society in which you live. You may learn a new language using innovative techniques that emphasize connection including the use of technologies. Learning a foreign language includes more than remembering grammar and vocabulary; also it involves learning new sounds, phrases, and points of view; it entails learning how to behave in a foreign culture and getting to know a new community from the inside.



With that said, I am convinced that more people should hear about the FLL center at UNM because of the great benefits and opportunities it provides to anybody interested in its courses. Whether you choose to learn a new language, study culture, view movies, or participate in a study abroad program, the FLL center has it all and will gladly answer your inquiries. Many of the possibilities offered by the department, such as scholarships, money, and even programs, are just too valuable to be missed. Taking language classes can also help you build ties with international students or even people on campus who speak the language you want to learn. Ideally, I have persuaded many of you who have even a passing interest in learning a new language to pursue that interest by contacting the FLL for more personal opinions and even enrolling in a language course, or even studying abroad to gain that type of culture and new experience in real life to see how people interact and form relationships in the countries of involvement.


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